White Flame .

At White Flame, we’re experts at making sure you’re noticed.

We get it. You’re busy doing your thing, making sure you’re meeting the KPIs, filing this report, meeting that client… we get that the core functions of your business are your utmost priority.

Keep doing that.

And let us take care of what you simply don’t have time for, or don’t have time to learn about.

Let us take care of the stuff that… is a little bit confusing. Like, budgeting those ads on Facebook, taking care of SEO, making sure you’re getting that ROI, planning social media calendars and tracking user engagement, handling the right hashtags and and and and and… of course, making sure you look great on socials.
*double tap*

Our Approach .

We have been experts for a decade now, so you can trust that we wholly understand what what it takes to make you look and sound great, what generates leads and how to reach your full potential both on print and digitally. Self-prophesying ourselves as the modern marketing phenomenon (because let’s face it, it’s true), we get you and we get your brand.

With a dream-team that has the eye and mind for creating special content, White Flame has been setting up strategies, companies, events, social media pages, advertisements (plus so, so much more) apart from the rest. And we do it in style. It’s what we’re good at – it’s who we are.

So, you do you, and let us do us, for you. We’d love to.

Community Clients .

and many more .

Business Clients .

Community Testimonials

Sara Smith


Mei ne imperdiet suscipiantur. Cu per errem mandamus, stet verear nam ex, eos in rebum constituto. Pri ea civibus corpora, illum commodo definiebas at vix. Vim at esse ubique iracundia, usu salutatus posidonium ad, mel dolor consulatu temporibus id. Exerci melius ancillae pro an, ea decore definiebas vis. No alii consequat consectetuer duo, erat error conclusionemque sit eu.

Jonathan Doe


Mei ne imperdiet suscipiantur. Cu per errem mandamus, stet verear nam ex, eos in rebum constituto. Pri ea civibus corpora, illum commodo definiebas at vix. Vim at esse ubique iracundia, usu salutatus posidonium ad, mel dolor consulatu temporibus id. Exerci melius ancillae pro an, ea decore definiebas vis. No alii consequat consectetuer duo, erat error conclusionemque sit eu.

Business Testimonials

Frank Horrigan

Lead Developer

Mei ne imperdiet suscipiantur. Cu per errem mandamus, stet verear nam ex, eos in rebum constituto. Pri ea civibus corpora, illum commodo definiebas at vix. Vim at esse ubique iracundia, usu salutatus posidonium ad, mel dolor consulatu temporibus id. Exerci melius ancillae pro an, ea decore definiebas vis. No alii consequat consectetuer duo, erat error conclusionemque sit eu.


CEO Founder

Mei ne imperdiet suscipiantur. Cu per errem mandamus, stet verear nam ex, eos in rebum constituto. Pri ea civibus corpora, illum commodo definiebas at vix. Vim at esse ubique iracundia, usu salutatus posidonium ad, mel dolor consulatu temporibus id. Exerci melius ancillae pro an, ea decore definiebas vis. No alii consequat consectetuer duo, erat error conclusionemque sit eu.

Meet our Team .

Hady Kara-ali

Creative Director

Rahaf Ahmed

Marketing and Events Director

Samet Erkut


Rayanne Elhgar

Projects Administator

Bader Ghazzawi

Head Developer

Fauziah Hambali

Senior Designer

David Turda

Project Consultant